L-Galaxies, Munich Galaxy Formation Model

Henriques2015a: Downloads

Henriques2015a Catalogs for download

The catalogs below were directly obtained from the Henriques2015a tables in the Millennium Database. The units are as follows:

Further details about the catalogs can be found in the description of each table in the databse and in this document.

Relation between snapshot, redshift, a, H(z) and time in a Planck cosmology:


Time structure for star formation histories:

For catalogs containing star formation histories the corresponding times and widths of each bin are not saved in the galaxy structure since they are the same for all galaxies at a given snapshot.

The following fits file contains this structure at the different snapshots: SFH.fits

Pencil Beam Lightcones + snapshot catalog (lightcones with intrinsic galaxy properties):

Prior to 16/02/2018 the merging of the lighcones+snapshot catalogs directly below was done incorrectly. The catalogs have been replaced, if you have an older version please download again (thanks to Corentin Schreiber for noticing the problem).

The fits files below were obtained from the Millennium online database by combining lightcone catalogs, Henriques2015a.cones.MRscPlanck1_M05_0ij and Henriques2015a.cones.MRscPlanck1_BC03_0ij, with the snapshot catalog, Henriques2015a.MRscPlanck1.

This results in lightcones which include, in addition to observed frame apparent magnitudes with dust extinction in 40 bands, all the intrinsic properties from the snapshot catalogs like halo properties, masses, metallicities, star formation histories and rest-frame absolute magnitudes. An additional magnitude cut in observed frame K-band was included to limit the size of the catalogs. The cones are circular with opening angle of 2 degrees.

M05 stellar populations, K<27: (replaced on 16/02/2018)
Pencil Beam Lightcones:

The fits files below were directly obtained from the Millennium online database, using the lightcone tables Henriques2015a.cones.MRscPlanck1_M05_0ij and Henriques2015a.cones.MRscPlanck1_BC03_0ij, by simply applying and additional magnitude cut (in observed-frame K). Total and bulge observer-frame apparent magnitudes, with dust extinction, in 40 different photometric bands are included (all in AB system). The cones are circular with opening angle of 2 degrees.

M05 stellar populations, K<25:
M05 stellar populations, K<27:
BC03 stellar populations, K<25:
BC03 stellar populations, K<27:

The fits files below correspond to snapshots at different redshifts for the full box of the galaxy formation model. These are based on the Millennium and MillenniumII dark matter simulations scaled to the PLANCK year1 cosmology (Volume_MR = \(480.3^3[(\rm{Mpc}/h)^3]\), Volume_MRII = \(96.1^3[(\rm{Mpc}/h)^3]\)) and were extracted from tables Henriques2015a.MRscPlanck1 and Henriques2015a.MRIIscPlanck1 in the database (only M05 stellar populations available). Taking into account the resolution limit of both simulations, the MR based galaxy catalogs are limted to \(M_* \gt 10^{9.5}[M_{\odot}/h]\) and the MRII based galaxy catalogs are limted to \(M_* \gt 10^{7.0}[M_{\odot}/h]\).

MR based models (at different redshifts), M05 stellar populations:
MRII based models (at different redshifts), M05 stellar populations:
Galaxy Tree outputs:

The fits files below correspond to outputs for the full galaxy tree (for a subset of galaxy properties). These are based on the 512 sub-volumes of the Millennium dark matter simulation scaled to the PLANCK year1 cosmology (Volume_MR = \(480.3^3[(\rm{Mpc}/h)^3]\), and were extracted from the table Henriques2015a.MRscPlanck1 in the database (M05 stellar populations).