Workshop on L-Galaxies, the Munich model for following the formation and evolution of galaxies within Millennium-like simulations
During the workshop we will release the Henriques2015a version of the L-Galaxies code and give tutorials on how to run and modify it and to use the MCMC sampler. Further tutorials will focus on the use of the Millennium SQL databases. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to present their work using these databases.
We are aiming at all levels of expertise, from observational PhD students interested in theoretical predictions for interpreting their data, to students and postdocs with simulation experience who may wish to change the physical assumptions of the model, to experienced developers and users of other models who may wish to implement MCMC sampling in their own codes (or simply to compare L-Galaxies results in greater depth with their own).
In order to have a more "hands on" approach the number of participants is restricted to 40 and we request a very short "case for attendance" upon registration.
SOC: Bruno Henriques, Gerard Lemson, Peter Thomas, Rob Yates and Simon White