%------------------------------------------ %----- SA model inputs -------------- %------------------------------------------ FileNameGalaxies SA FirstFile 40 LastFile 79 FileWithOutputRedshifts ./input/desired_output_redshifts.txt McFile ./input/Mc.txt CoolFunctionsDir ./CoolFunctions/ SpecPhotDir /net/bootes/export/data1/Workspace/SpecPhotTables/ PhotPrefix PLANCK ; WMAP7 ;WMAP7 SpecPhotIMF Chabrier ; Salpeter ; Kroupa FileWithFilterNames ./input/Filter_Names.txt %------------------------------------------------- %----- Simulation input/output files ------------ %------------------------------------------------- SimulationDir /net/bootes/export/data1/Millennium2/BigRun/modified_trees/ LastDarkMatterSnapShot 67 Hashbits 8 ;needed for Peano hilbert key output with the GALAXYTREE option OutputDir /net/bootes/scratch-ssd/SAM/test95/MRII/ MaxMemSize 7000 ; 70000 ; 100000 galtree %------------------------------------------------- %----- Scaling options ------------ %------------------------------------------------- ScalePos 0.960558 ScaleMass 1.11671 ------------------------------------------ %----- Cosmological paramters ------------ %------------------------------------------ %NEW COSMOLOGY: PLANCK1 BaryonFrac 0.155 Sigma8 0.826 FileWithZList ./input/zlists/zlist_planck_MRII.txt PartMass 0.000768884 ;should be changed according to the dark matter simulation being used ;new BoxSize 96.0558 Omega 0.315 OmegaLambda 0.685 Hubble_h 0.673 %ORIGINAL COSMOLOGY: WMAP1 FileWithZList_OriginalCosm ./input/zlists/zlist_MRII.txt PartMass_OriginalCosm 0.000688526 ;should be changed according to the dark matter simulation being used BoxSize_OriginalCosm 100. Omega_OriginalCosm 0.25 OmegaLambda_OriginalCosm 0.75 Hubble_h_OriginalCosm 0.73 %---------------------------------------------------- %----- Switches for different physical models ------- %---------------------------------------------------- ReionizationModel 0 ;%*0 -- Okamoto 2008 (Guo2010) % 1 -- Gnedin reionization (Delucia2007) % 2 -- no reionization %option 0 is different if H2_AND_RINGS is ON or OFF (if on we only follow the mass in each ring (and therefore rd) if ON we follow each component of the spin (x,y & z)) DiskRadiusModel 0 ;%*0 -- use each component (stellar or gas) spin to get disk radius % 1 -- use halo spin parameter to get disk scale radius, % 2 -- disk_radius = Gal[p].Rvir / 10.0, %Fu 2010 - StarFormationModel 4, H2FractionRecipe 0 & 2 %Fu 2010 - StarFormationModel 3 & 4 with SFRtdyn 0 + StarFormationModel 2 & 4 with SFRtdyn 1, H2FractionRecipe 0 & 2 H2FractionRecipe 0 ;choice of H2 mass fraction recipe %*0 -- KMT 2009 (introduced in FU2010, updated in Fu2013 (eq 11 and 12)) % 1 -- Krumholz et al. 2008 % 2 -- pressure recipe, Blitz & Rosolowsky 2006 (introduced in FU2010) StarFormationModel 4 ;%*0 -- Croton2006, Delucia2007, Guo2011, Henriques2015 % 1 -- Alternative SF law % 2 -- if OPT += -DH2_AND_RINGS: Kennicutt law (set SFRtdyn=1 to have the old SF law, eq 3 in Fu2012) % 3 -- if OPT += -DH2_AND_RINGS: introduce in Fu2012 - Krumholz et al. 2009 (eq. 6) %*4 -- if OPT += -DH2_AND_RINGS: introduce in Fu2010 - BIGIEL only one mode now (eq 33) SFRtdyn 0 ;*0 -- constant SFE % 1 -- SFE inversly proportional to tdyn: introduced in Fu2012 ((eq. 3 and 5)) FeedbackReheatingModel 0 ;%*0 -- Guo 2010 (ejection scheme used in delucia 2007, plus Vmax dependence) % 1 -- Alternative reheating model FeedbackReheatingDeansityScaling 0 ;%*0 -- no scaling with local density % 1 -- Scaling with local density as eq. 35 in Fu2010 FeedbackEjectionModel 0 ;%*0 -- Guo 2010 (ejection scheme used in delucia 2007, plus Vmax dependence) % 1 -- Constant velocity model FeedbackEagleScaling 0 ;%*0 -- no rescaling % 1 -- Rescaling as in Eagle - local density and metallicity (eq. 7 in Schaye et al. 2015) FateOfSatellitesGas 0 ;choice of ejection of satellite galaxies. %*0 -- ejected gas of satellites distribute between type 1 and type 0, % according to the fraction of dark matter retained in subhalos (Guo2010). % 1 -- ejected gas of satellite galaxies contributes to % the ejected component of type 0 (Delucia2007); ReIncorporationModel 0 ;%*0 -- Henriques2012 (Mdot_eject=-gama_ej*M_ejected*M_vir) % 1 -- Guo2010 (suppression in small halos) % 2 -- Delucia2007, BlackHoleGrowth 0 ;How black hole growth from quasar mode is handled %*0 -- instantaneous; accretion rate reported averaged over step ([...],Guo2011, Henriques2015) % 1 -- via accretion disk at some fraction of Eddington rate AGNRadioModeModel 0 ;if > 0 grow black hole during mergers, %*0 -- Phenomenological AGN feedback scaling with Mhot*Mbh % as in Henriques2013b + AGN heating from satellites, % 1 -- Phenomenological accretion & AGN feedback as in Croton 2006, % 2 -- Bondi-Hoyle accretion, % 3 -- Cold cloud accretion % 4 -- No cooling supression, DiskInstabilityModel 0 ;allow bulges to form when the stellar disks become unstable %*0 -- stability criteria of the stellar disk from Mo, Mao & White (1998) % 1 -- no disk instabilities BHGrowthInDiskInstabilityModel 1 ;accretion of gas into the BH due to disk instabilities %*0 -- no BH growth in disk instabilities % 1 -- cold gas moved into the BH in the same fraction as disk stars moved to bulge HotGasStripingModel 0 ;choice of stripping of satellite galaxies %*0 -- gradual stripping (cooling in type 1's) (Guo2010) % Ejected gas of satellites distributed between type 1 and type 0, % according to the fraction of dark matter retained in subhalos (Guo2010). % This also determines where the ejected gas from type 2 ends up in mergers % (maybe it should be a different option). % 1 -- immediate stripping (Delucia2007) % Ejected gas of satellite galaxies contributes to the % ejected component of type 0 if within Rvir HotGasOnType2Galaxies 0 ;allowing hot gas to remain even on type two galaxies % 0 -- no hot gas on type 2's - normal tidal striping implmentation % removes all the hot gas once the dark matter halo has been striped % 1 -- allow hot gas on type 2's - only makes sense if tidal striping is modified StarBurstModel 0 ;recipe for starbursts during mergers %*0 -- starbursts in major AND minor mergers as in Somerville 2001 BulgeFormationInMinorMergersOn 1 ;option for bulges to form in minor mergers as well as major % 0 -- bulges only formed in major mergers %*1 -- bulge formation in major AND minor mergers MetallicityOption 1 ;Photometric tables from SPS models % 0 -- only solar metallicity, %*1 -- range of metallicities; %------------------------------------------ %----- Parameters of physical model ------- %------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------- %% Reionization ;NOT USED if ReionizationModel=0 %------------------------------------------- Reionization_z0 8.0 ;These parameter choices give the best fit to Genedin (2000) Reionization_zr 7.0 ;using the analytic fit of Kravtsov et al. 2004 %------------------------------------------- %% Star formation %------------------------------------------- %SfrEfficiency 0.02 ;(eq. S14 in Doc) SfrEfficiency 2.3e-9 ;(eq. S14 in Doc) SfrColdCrit 0.14 ;(eq. S15 in Doc) In units of 10^10Msun % there is a factor 3 difference between the eq in Hen15 and in Guo10 because % one use Rgas and the other Rgas,d Clumpingfactor 1.0 ;clumping factor in Krumholz' H2 fraction recipe % Our values in rings are an average over the ring. The clumping factor % corrects for the fact that material is not uniformly distributed but % instead concentrated in spiral arms % for KMT09 H2 formation there is an additional pow((1.0/metallicityr),0.7) % dependence to solve issues with low-metallicity galaxies GasInflowVel 800. ;km/s/Mpc %------------------------------------------- %% Star formation bursts during mergers %------------------------------------------- SfrBurstEfficiency 0.14 ;(eq. S33 in Doc) SfrBurstSlope 0.64 ;(eq. S33 in Doc) %------------------------------------------- % BH growth and AGN feedback %------------------------------------------- AgnEfficiency 0.002 ;(eq. S24 in Doc) Quiescent accretion in the radio mode BlackHoleGrowthRate 0.06 ;(eq. S23 in Henriques15) Fraction of cold gas added to the BH during mergers BlackHoleCutoffVelocity 2000. ;(eq. S23 in Henriques15) BlackHoleSeedMass 1e-7 ;10^10 Msun/h %------------------------------------------- %% SN feedback %------------------------------------------- % Heating of cold gas to hot FeedbackReheatingEpsilon 2.4 ;(eq. S18 in Henriques15) Mass of cold gas reheated due to SF (see Martin 1999) ReheatPreVelocity 250. ;(eq. S19 in Henriques15) Normalization of SN feedback ReheatSlope 1.6 ;(eq. S19 in Henriques15) Slope of the dependence of SN feedback on Vvir % Ejection of gas from halo FeedbackEjectionEfficiency 4.0 ;(eq. S16 in Henriques15) Fraction SN energy used in reheat and eject EjectPreVelocity 180. ;(eq. S17 in Henriques15) Normalization of total SN EjectSlope 1.1 ;(eq. S17 in Henriques15) Slope of total SN ReIncorporationFactor 2.1e+10 ;(eq. S22 in Henriques15) Fraction of ejected mass reincorporated per dynamical time to hot %------------------------------------------- %%Fraction of Metals returned to Hot component %------------------------------------------- FracZtoHot 0.16 ;if FEEDBACK_COUPLED_WITH_MASS_RETURN this is the fraction of SNII metals put into hot gas %------------------------------------------- %% IMF %------------------------------------------- Yield 0.03 ;(section 1.9 in Henriques15) Fraction of metals instantaneously returned after SF (produced by short lived massive stars) RecycleFraction 0.43 ;(section 1.6 in Henriques15) Fraction of SF mass instantaneously recycled back to cold - IMF dependent %------------------------------------------- %% Mergers %------------------------------------------- ThreshMajorMerger 0.38 ;(section 1.12.2 in Henriques15) Major merger when mass ratio gt this MergerTimeMultiplier 1.7 ;(eq. S32 in Henriques15) Adjust the dynamical friction merging time %------------------------------------------- %%Hot Gas stripping %------------------------------------------- RamPressureStrip_CutOffMass 4.8e+3 ;(section 1.11.1 in Henriques15) In code Units of 10^10 (mass above which there is stripping) %------------------------------------------- %% Total SN energy available %------------------------------------------- EnergySN 5.0e51 ;(section 1.7 in Doc) EtaSN 8.0e-3 UnitLength_in_cm 3.08568e+24 ;Mpc - WATCH OUT, distances in the code are in Mpc/h UnitMass_in_g 1.989e+43 ;10^10Msun - WATCH OUT, masses in the code are in 10^10Msun/h UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 100000 ;Km/s - WATCH OUT, this are the correct units in the code km/s %--------------------------------------------------------- % Additional parameters not used by the default model %--------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------- % BH growth %------------------------------------------- BlackHoleAccretionRate 3. ;fraction of M_BH/t_Edd. If Eddington limited then = (1-e)/e where e is radiation efficiency. BlackHoleDisruptGrowthRate 0.0 %------------------------------------------- %% Total SN energy available %------------------------------------------- %EnergySNII 1.0e51 %EnergySNIA 1.0e51 %EnergyAGB 1.0e51 %------------------------------------------- %% Gas Reincorporation %------------------------------------------- ReincZpower 2.41 ReincVelocitypower 3.26 %------------------------------------------- %%Hot Gas stripping %------------------------------------------- RamPressureRadiusThreshold 0.0 ;efficiency of ram pressure stripping